
Showing posts from March, 2022

Thought for the Week - 27th March 2022

Dear Friends, The American pastor and theologian Tim Keller in an article from 2020 writes that ‘ B iblical justice is not first of all a set of bullet points or a set of rules and guidelines. It is rooted in the very character of God and it is the outworking of that character, which is never less than just’. He goes on to highlight four facets of Biblical justice: radical generosity, universal equality, significant, life changing advocacy for the poor, and both corporate and individual responsibility, saying that as the church and as Christians we are ‘a pilot plant of the future Kingdom of God, a place for the world to get a partial glimpse of what the humanity will look like under Jesus’ kingship and justice’. In the Bible we read in the prophet Micah the promise of a ruler from Bethlehem who will ‘stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord’ and who ‘will be their peace’. It is a prophecy about the coming of Jesus Christ, and we hear it most usually at Christmastime. B...

Thought for the Week - 20th March 2022

  Dear Friends, Spring has sprung! On a one-day retreat this week and a walk in the countryside, there were signs all around that the season of springtime is here, from the buds on the trees, the beginnings of the colours of flowers and the richness of God’s beautiful creation once again reawakening after the winter slumber. March 20 th marks the first day of spring in the northern half of the world, and if you live down under then it is the beginning of autumn. Next week the clocks with go forward and the days will be longer, and hopefully brighter and warmer. We’re reminded of the changing of the seasons as we read from Song of Songs, ‘See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land’ (Song of Songs 2:11-12). I’ve discovered a springtime carol this week, written in the 13 th Century and translated from Latin to English in The Oxford Book of Carols , 1928, called ‘The Flo...

Thought for the Week - 13th March 2022

Dear Friends, Like me I’m sure you have been following the news of the war in Ukraine and the many stories that we have heard of people struggling against enormous challenges to survive. As Baptists we are a part of the wider Baptist family, our own London Baptist Association, the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Baptist World Alliance, and the European Baptist Federation (EBF) which comprises some 800,000 members in 52 countries in Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East. The EBF are putting together situation reports for what is happening in Ukraine from partners on the ground to inform our praying and the following comes from the report issued on 8 th March: ·          The human cost of the current conflict continues to rise. Between 3 p.m. (EET) 5 March to 3 p.m. (EET) 6 March, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) reported at least 1,123 civilian casualties, including 364 killed, a more than 410 per cent increas...

Thought for the Week - 6th March 2022

  Dear Friends, ‘How are you going to maintain your spiritual life?’ That was one of the questions asked when I was training for ministry at Bristol Baptist College over 25 years ago. It is an interesting question to revisit regularly, thinking about what it is that sustains us in our walk of faith in Jesus Christ. In our ever-increasing busy world just what are the things that help us to connect with God? Over the years I have used various resources to sustain my own spiritual life like daily readings such as Encounter with God , and Everyday with Jesus . I’ve done a Bible in a Year reading plan, and read through the Psalms and other books of the Bible. I’ve used other resources like The Rhythm of Life , a Celtic Daily prayer guide, The Little Office Book , a simple and adaptable form of daily prayer, and I’ve also tried various apps designed to help to sustain and maintain one’s own spiritual fervour and discipline in spending time with God. Time is such a precious and limited ...