Thought for the Week - 26th June 2022
Dear Friends, At a recent funeral service I led we sand the hymn ‘ Praise, my soul, the King of heaven ’ by Henry Francis Lyte, an Anglican clergyman of the 19 th Century who served for 24 years in Lower Brixham, Devonshire. I do like to know something of the story behind the hymns that I sing, and I discovered that H F Lyte was born near Kelso in Scotland and studied at Trinity College Dublin where he won the prize for an English poem three times, his hymns revealing his poetic gifts. Although he was already ordained, he underwent a profound religious experience at the deathbed of a brother clergyman in 1817. Both found a deeper faith and Lyte’s own work and preaching received a new vitality because of the experience. He was a man known to be frail in body, suffering from chronic asthma and tuberculosis, but strong in faith and spirit. He retired from his parish in September 1847 at the age of 54 to go and live in Italy where the climate would be more suited to his ailments. He sadly...