Thought for the Week - 25th February 2024
Dear Friends, From this month’s Open Doors prayer diary we have been asked to ‘pray for the persecutors’ and we heard the remarkable story from Central Asia which said, ‘A policeman arrived at an underground pastor’s home to arrest him, but he wasn’t in. His 10-year-old daughter invited him to wait. She made him dinner and, saying grace, thanked God for the food and this ‘good man’. Overwhelmed by her love, he became a Christian and is now helping protect the church’. We are asked to read the stories and testimonies of those who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ, and to pray for these courageous believers. ‘Be ready to be inspired by them and rejoice with them, because God is honouring them’ Open Doors reminds us. We read of the apostle Paul’s request for prayer from the believers in Thessalonica, that the gospel message would continue to spread and that he and his fellow missionaries would be ‘delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith...