Thought for the Week - 29th January 2023


Dear Friends, 

A new resource has recently been produced by Baptists Together (The Baptist Union of Great Britain) entitled Belonging to Baptists Together – Our Identity. It focuses on who we are as Baptists in the UK with the shared vision, ‘Growing heathy churches in relationship for God’s mission’, and highlights the commitment to developing a culture where we:

·    Seek to be a movement of Spirit-led communities, those who have encountered the living Christ (Galatians 5:22-25)

·    Feel like one team, valuing, respecting and trusting each other as we work together in partnership (1 Corinthians 12:24b-27)

·      Embrace adventure, being serious about discipleship and willing to take risks moving out of the comfort zones of the familiar (Matthew 28:18-20)

·    Inspire others with a generosity of spirit, energising and motivating people to be all that God created them to be (Ephesians 5:1-2)

·    Share a hunger for God’s coming Kingdom, giving practical expression to our vision of God’s purpose for creation (Matthew 6:9-10)

It is good to be able to say that we belong to something more than our own local church, district, or association and that as Baptists Together we can find encouragement, support and fellowship because of our shared vision to be a grass roots movement making Jesus Christ known to all. 

If you would like to view the resource for yourself you can find it by going to the Baptists Together website at 

Grace and peace,



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