Thought for the Week - 26th February 2023
Dear Friends, I’m currently reading the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book for 2023 by Emma Ineson entitled Failure – What Jesus said about Sin, Mistakes, and Messing Stuff Up . It begins by defining failure as ‘when something doesn’t go to plan’ but goes onto ask, ‘Whose plan?’ the world’s plan or God’s plan? It is helping me to think about how ‘success’ and ‘failure’ are measured. I wonder what constitutes success and failure in your mind, and what do you base your reasoning on? When Thomas Edison was asked about the failure he had experienced on the way to inventing the electric lightbulb he is said to have said, ‘I have not failed 10,000 times – I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work’. Perhaps we all need a little bit of Edison illumination as we contemplate failure and success. The Bible reminds us that so called failure might look very different from God’s perspective. Writing to the believers in Corinth, the apostle Paul says, ‘For the message of the c...