Thought for the Week - 5th February 2023

Dear Friends, 

Each year at the beginning of February we join with sisters and brothers in Christ in our Baptist family in praying for the work of our sister organisation BMS World Mission (formerly the Baptist Missionary Society). Founded in 1792 by William Carey who famously said in a sermon ‘Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God’, BMS works in some of the most fragile places on earth amongst some of the most least evangelised people. Missionaries engaged in this work seek to make Jesus known and make his abundant life that only he can provide a reality amongst the poor and marginalised – that is BMS World Mission’s highest goal. Working in and partnering with over 30 countries around the world, BMS shares the good news of Jesus Christ where it’s never been known with thousands of people hearing the gospel through its work; BMS seeks to bring hope to those in desperate circumstances through practical help with education, health care, and tackling injustice and suffering; and BMS works to support those who find themselves displaced because of war, natural disasters and persecution. All of this is only possible because of our prayers and support and giving to BMS, and so on this Day of Prayer let’s commit ourselves to be informed and interested in the plight of our sisters and brothers who depend on the work of BMS World Mission and pray for them. You can find out more about BMS by going to   

Grace and peace,



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