Thought for the Week - 4th June 2023

Dear Friends, 

The Sunday after the celebration of Pentecost is always Trinity Sunday which focuses on the mystery of God in Three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At Bristol Baptist College during my training I can remember being asked to find examples of the Trinity in songs and hymns that were in use at that time. There were a number: ‘Holy, holy, holy’, which has the line ‘God in three persons, blessed Trinity’; ‘Father, we adore you’ with the same verse just changing the first word (so Father, Jesus and Spirt); and in a similar vein ‘Father, we love you, we worship and adore you. Glorify your name in all the earth’ (and again each verse being the same just with a different opening word: Father, Jesus, Spirit). But perhaps one of my favourites is the simple but profound Doxology written by Bishop Thomas Ken, an Anglican priest of the 17th Century.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below;

Praise him, above ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Grace and Peace,



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