Thought for the Week - 10th March 2024

Dear Friends, 

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent, and it is Mothering Sunday, the day when we give thanks for our mums and those who carry out any kind of ‘mothering’ role in our lives. It is an opportunity to show our gratitude by sending cards and presents, the most popular of which are flowers, chocolates and jewellery, and shoppers are estimated to spend £1.7 billion on the celebration this year in the UK. But today is also know by some in the church as ‘Refreshment Sunday’ because historically those taking part in the Lenten fast were allowed to relax on this day from the rigours of fasting and abstinence. Yet another name for the fourth Sunday in the Lenten season is Laetare Sunday, Laetare being the Latin for ‘Rejoice’ and coming from the first few words of the traditional Latin entrance verse for the church service, ‘Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her…’ (Isaiah 66:10), and a little later we read of this image, the Lord says, ‘As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.’ (Isaiah 66:13). One of the abiding memories I have of my mum is her love, kindness and care, particularly when I was young and I needed to be consoled, encouraged and comforted. Mums seem to have that innate ability to show care and love for their children, and not only mums but all who have any caring and nurturing role in life. So today we give thanks to God for our mums and all those who play a ‘mothering’ role to others, and we rejoice in God’s loving kindness for all he has made. 

Grace and peace,



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