Thought for the Week - 16/1/2022
Dear Friends,
This coming week marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) and each year there is a set of materials produced to help people focus on that year’s theme. The theme for 2022 has been prepared by the churches of the Middle East under the title, ‘We saw his star in the east’ from Matthew 2:1-12, looking at the visit of the Magi to the Holy Family in Bethlehem. From the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland website we read that the history of the churches in the Middle East is one that historically and still today is ‘characterised by conflict and strife, tainted with blood and darkened by injustice and oppression. The Christians of the Middle East offer these resources conscious that the world shares many of the travails and much of the difficulties that it experiences, and yearns for a light to lead the way to the Saviour who is the light that overcomes darkness. Serving the Gospel today requires a commitment to the human being, especially the poorest, the weakest and those marginalised. It requires from the churches transparency and accountability in dealing with the world, and with each other. This means churches need to cooperate to provide relief to the afflicted, to welcome the displaced, to relieve the burdened, and to build a just and honest society. This is a call for churches to work together so that young people can build a good future according to God’s heart, a future in which all human beings can experience life, peace, justice, and love.’ Each day between the 18th-25th January there are readings, a reflection and prayer, questions to ponder over, and a ‘Go and Do’ section that offers something that is ‘global’, ‘local’ and ‘personal’ for you to consider. The resource can be found by going to and following the link to the ‘WPCU 2022 English pamphlet’. The ‘Go and Do’ section is provided by Christian Aid and links to their work of the relief of poverty and justice issues for the poor and vulnerable around the world. You can find more about the work of Christian Aid by visiting their website at
Grace and peace,
Prayer for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
From the East to the West, from the North and the South, all nations and peoples bless the creator of creatures with a new blessing, for he made the light of the sunrise today over the world. O congregations of the righteous, who glorify the Holy Trinity in the morning light, praise Christ, the morning of peace, together with the Father and the Spirit; for he has made the light of his knowledge shine over us. (Matins Hymn, Armenian Sunrise Office)
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