Thought for the Week - 16th October 2022


Dear Friends, 

16th October is celebrated each year as World Food Day, and it commemorates the establishment in 1945 of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation. The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the matters of poverty, hunger and food security, and to look at ways and solutions to address these issues. Organisations including the World Food Programme, the World Health Organisation and the International Fund for Agricultural Development all organise activities concerned with the quality and quantity of food in the world. Each year World Food Day has a theme and this year it is ‘Leave NO ONE behind’. Millions of people all over the world are unable to afford a healthy diet and are thus at a higher risk of malnutrition. The charity Action against Hunger tells us that globally almost 1 in 10 people don’t have enough food to eat and that 43 million people in 38 countries around the world are at risk of falling into famine or a severe hunger crisis. Even when there is enough food being produced to meet the world’s demands, the problem is availability of nutritious food, and that 3.1 billion people can’t afford a healthy, nutritious diet. The situation is further aggravated by the challenges the world faces including the COVID-19 pandemic, the war between Russia and Ukraine and other conflicts, climate change, inequalities, rising food and energy prices and other international situations. World Food Day is an opportunity to raise this global problem through conferences, exhibitions and festivals in schools and colleges, universities, research agencies and NGOs, as communities come together to highlight this increasing and complex situation.

Grace and peace,


       A Prayer for World Food Day

God of abundance, you entrust to our care your gift of creation, our common home. Open our ears to hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. God of justice, you show us how to live in gratitude and solidarity. Open our mouths to speak out, challenging greed and inequality, and standing up for all among us in desperate need of food. God of hope, you share with us your vision of a world renewed. Open our hearts to compassion. As we hold before you the hungry and poor of the world, may your kingdom come and your will be done, that food may be plentiful for all. AMEN.


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