Thought for the Week - 1st January 2023

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year!

As we contemplate the beginning of another new year and look forward, my thoughts turn to the hope that we have in God, and I’m reminded of my time training at Bristol Baptist College and one of the principal’s favourite hymns, All my hope on God is founded. Written by Joachim Neander, a German Reformed Church teacher, theologian and hymnwriter of the 17th Century, it expresses something of the uncertainty of what may lie ahead for any of us in this life, but also the confidence that can be found in God alone, who is the giver of gracious gifts, most notably the gift of his son, Jesus Christ. You may want to reflect on this first verse from this five-verse hymn as this new year begins, giving thanks to God for 2022 and looking forward to 2023. All my hope on God is founded; all my trust he does renew. Through all change and chance he guides me, only good and only true. God unknown, he alone calls my heart to be his own.

Grace and peace,



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