Thought for the Week - 30th April 2023

Dear Friends, 

In Daily Prayers for the Coronation of King Charles III published by the Church of England, a short daily reflection and prayer is offered in the month leading up to the coronation this coming Saturday, 6th May. Each day focuses on themes as diverse as service and dedication, charitable work and the environment, anointing with oil and the coronation regalia. In this last week before the event each day focuses on one of the Fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23, with (30th April) being ‘Patience’. Beginning with the reference, ‘I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry’ (Psalm 40:1), we then read ‘we have all been reminded to be patient many times throughout our lives. Living in patience and peace with one another is not always easy, and is a discipline that, appropriately, takes much practice to cultivate. Nevertheless, patience is among the Fruit of the Spirit listed by St Paul, and something we should aim to embrace whenever we can, looking to God who remains ever patient with us. All Christian people are also called to be patient and persistent in prayer’. I’ve been reminded this last week of the old saying, ‘patience is a virtue’, which is said to originate from the poem Piers Plowman, by William Langland and which the British Library says is ‘an exploration of Christian faith, as the narrator strives to uncover how to live a good Christian life’. And isn’t that what all of us who are disciples of Jesus Christ are seeking to do as we move closer in our relationship with our Saviour and Lord deepening our understand and love, and seeking to serve him always. 

Grace and peace,



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