Thought for the Week - 7th May 2023

Dear Friends,

Be pleased to save me, Lord;

Come quickly, Lord, to help me.

Psalm 40:13

These simple but profound words from the Psalmist are foundational to our praying and asking God for help. The Christian monk and theologian of the 4th/5th Century, John Cassian, says of this verse, ‘it fits every mood and temper of human nature, every temptation, every circumstance. It contains an invocation of God, a humble confession of faith, a reverent watchfulness, a meditation upon our frailty, a confidence in God’s answer, an assurance of his ever-present support.’ We can use it as a prayer today when we are faced with the challenges of life, a difficult task or when we are in particular need. It has been described as a good prayer to pray on waking up, asking for God’s assistance as we face what lies ahead. It is a prayer that recognises our constant need of God’s help and mercy. 

Grace and peace,



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