Thought for the Week - 29th October 2023

Dear Friends, 

Today we are celebrating two things, firstly it is the Bible Society’s Bible Sunday, a day when we can give thanks to God for the scriptures and echo the apostle Paul’s words, ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that all God’s people may be thoroughly equipped for every good work’ (2 Timohty 3:16-17). And secondly, as a church we are celebrating the 140th Church Anniversary of Beckenham Baptist Church, founded in 1883 as Elm Road Chapel, the opening services took place on Wednesday 31st October – 9.30am Prayer Meeting, 2.45pm Public Service, 4.45pm a Meeting in the Chapel, and at 6.30pm another Public Service – with various Baptist luminaries of the day in attendance. The public reading of the Scriptures has always been at the heart of all we do as a Christian community, for it is there that we can hear the stories of the Bible and reflect upon our own place in God’s never-ending story of creation, redemption, and restoration. I’m reminded of a hymn written by R T Brooks for the 150th Anniversary of the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1954.


  Thanks to God whose word was spoken                      Thanks to God whose word incarnate

  in the deed that made the earth.                                     glorified the flesh of man.

  His the voice that called a nation,                                   Deeds and words and death and rising

  his the fires that tried her worth.                                      tell the grace in heaven’s plan.

  God has spoken:                                                               God has spoken:

  praise him for his open word.                                          praise him for his open word.


  Thanks to God whose word was written                        Thanks to God whose word is published

  in the Bible’s sacred page,                                               in the tongues of every race.

  record of the revelation                                                    See its glory undiminished

  showing God to every age.                                              by the change of time or place.

  God has spoken:                                                               God has spoken:

  praise him for his open word.                                          praise him for his open word.


Thanks to God whose word is answered

by the Spirit’s voice within.

Here we drink of joy unmeasured,

life redeemed from death and sin.

God is speaking:

praise him for his open word.

Grace and peace,



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