Thought for the Week - 24th and 31st December 2023


Thought for the Week:

In her book, Music of Eternity – Meditations for Advent with Evelyn Underhill, spiritual director and retreat leader Robyn Wrigley-Carr explores the spirituality of this early 20th Century writer and spiritual guide and writes of the presence of God as we embrace the coming of Jesus to earth and his continual coming to us every day. She says Underhill invites us to respond in worship as we adore God, seek to be humble, loving and forgiving and share the peace of Christ with others. Underhill writes, ‘The old mystics always insist that love and humility are sisters. As we learn about love, we seem to get smaller and smaller and the wonder of God to get greater and greater. The more we realise the fact of this love pouring out from the heart of God to draw all things… the deeper grows the love which is demanded from us in return’. As we once again remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we thank God for his incredible act of love in giving his precious Son to save and redeem the world.

                                                                 Grace and peace,


           For God so loved the world                                         Love came down at Christmas,

that he gave his one and only Son,                             love all lovely, love divine;

that whoever believes in him                                        love was born at Christmas –

shall not perish but have eternal life.                           star and angels gave the sign.


John 3:16                                                                  Christina Rossetti (1830-94)


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