Thought for the Week - 28th January 2024

Dear Friends,

In 1985 the Congregational minister and hymn writer Fred Kaan reflected on ‘For the healing of the nations’ saying, ‘Of all the hymns that I have written, this is the text that has been more widely reprinted and incorporated in major hymnbooks than any other’. It was first used in 1965 and it expresses something of the deep longing and desire for peace and reconciliation, for God’s justice to be known, and for an end to all conflict and violence. Fred Kaan was a committed pacifist and, in an obituary, following his death in 2009 at the age of 80, it read, ‘His theology reflected a God committed to and immersed in a world crying out to be set free from every form of injustice. Fred’s poetry centred on a Jesus who embraced the whole of creation and excluded no one and nothing from his love. In Fred, the Christian peace movement found its voice.’                                    

Grace and peace,



      1.  For the healing of the nations,                      2.  Lead us, Father, into freedom,

      Lord, we pray with one accord;                          from despair your world release,

      for a just and equal sharing                               that, redeemed from war and hatred,

      of the things that earth affords.                          all may come and go in peace.

      To a life of love in action                                    Show us how through care and goodness

      help us raise and pledge our word.                    fear will die and hope increase.


       3.  All that kills abundant living,                          4.  You, Creator-God, have written

       let it from the earth be banned;                          your great name on humankind;

       pride of status, race or schooling,                      for our growing in your likeness

       dogmas that obscure your plan.                         bring the life of Christ to mind;

       In our common quest for justice                         that by our response and service

       may we hallow life’s brief span.                          earth its destiny may find.        

                                   Fred Kaan, 1929-2009


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